
UNI/VS - So Loveless (Official Video)


Cold hands reaching

They pull the mirror covers open

For the world to see I’m broken

Self aware but not in sentient motion

Pull apart this marrow prison this black hearts beating against

Pull me apart

And break my walls down

This life’s so loveless

Pull me apart

And make my heart go

This life’s so loveless

This life’s so loveless

Black horse breathing

The riders come to take his fill

He knows the depths are plentiful

Gaze into my voided chest

Holding hands with death

Sing my soul to rest

Carve the nameless into my chest

Sing my tainted soul to rest

Pull me apart

And break my walls down

This life’s so loveless

Pull me apart

And make my heart go

This life’s so loveless

Broken hearts and empty voices

I fell in love with all of my vices

Carve the nameless into my chest

This life’s so loveless

This life’s so loveless

Carve the nameless into my chest

Sing my tainted soul to rest


UNI/VS - A Chosen Death (Official Video)


UNI/VS - Ghost of Me (Official Video)