
UNI/VS - Deaths Door (Official Video)


It's all dice and daggers to keep death off our doorstep

It's all snakes and ladders

We sell our soul each fucking day

Fuck this system that's so broken only power is created

This is mass oppression but we're all too scared to change it

Power given to the strong while weak are left to rot

We all site silent in our homes while privileged men play god

We are all pawns in a game that never ends

What's the point of making rules if all of them can bend

The gods we know reside in structures held up by the dead

They have no race without the fucking rats

So they keep us hungry, begging for scraps

Bridges and ladders

And games of daggers

All those we trusted are snakes

We're just rats in the maze

Turn martyrs to gods and gods into myth

But at the end of the day we're just all rats and snakes

It's all dice and daggers to keep death off our doorstep

It's all snakes and ladders

We sell our soul each fucking day

No one lives forever

Not even god

No one lives forever

Not even god

These hollow souls building golden thrones

Hold the scales of life and death

A kingdom bred from fear and dread

Corporate kings with hearts of stone

It's all dice and daggers to keep death off our doorstep

It's all snakes and ladders

We sell our soul each fucking day

No one lives forever

Not even god

No one lives forever

Not even god


UNI/VS - Upside Down (Official Video)